My first novel! It's a little like your first born, it will always hold that special place in your heart, moving you from the position of being someone who liked to write to being an author! This started out as a fanfiction, but I fell in love with the story and decided to make it my own.  It almost was anyway since it was AU (alternate universe) and most of the characters were my own to begin with, I had only used a few canon characters as support and I decided to adjust them to my needs.  
Catch a Falling Star is the story of Naomi Ito who is starting over five years after having divorced her abusive husband who is still stalking her. In a jealous fit of rage after finding out she has befriended her new neighbor, the handsome Toby Sturman, he tries to kidnap her.  What he doesn't know is that Toby is the second in command at Sturman Security and has a lot of connections and favors he can call in to protect her. Will Naomi be able to move forward and allow Toby to help her? Will they fall in love in the process? 
Catch a Falling Star is full of life and love as Naomi's friends old and new, and her daughter, Keiko, encourage her to move forward with her life despite the shadow her ex leaves over her.  When that shadow is removed will she reach out and hold the stars around her and live or will she continue to live in fear?
Currently, the first 2 chapters are available as a preview  for free on FictionPress  while I rewrite it. I have also changed the title, but the cover art doesn't depict that yet as I am waiting for my final decision. It is 41 chapters longs and 90K words, but that may change during the rewrite as I am preparing it for publication. If you love the preview leave a comment here or follow me on Twitter and I will notify you when it's published.
Credits- the cover art is a combination of my friend, Kael Schindler's excellent photography skills, he can be found here, and Emily Erickson-Flegg.

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